Buzz Friday for June 15, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
Here is a look at what is happening across a couple of sites I keep an eye on. Let me know if there is anything you would like me to add on.
I am refining this post over time, so if there is anything you would like me to add just email me or leave a comment. Similarly, if you have something you think is Buzz Friday worthy let me know and I'll look it over for inclusion. (Would anybody be interested in seeing this become a video podcast feed?)
Feed readers can see the video here.
Here are all of the items I think are interesting this week:
- Apple iPhone comes out next week and demand is expected to be high. If you're looking for one, you better be ready to camp out.
- Apple also had their WWDC conference this week where Jobs gave a keynote. Most notably out of that came Apple's Safari for the PC. Exploits ensued, but I sense a need for the browser for iPhone integration. We'll see. 1 million people have already downloaded it.
- Second Life's voice integration is expected soon where people can chat with each other through micropohones. This will greatly enhance the level of interactivity.
- Boston launched a SMS crime stoppers hotline. People can send a message to their shortcode from their phones when 911 is too hard to dial. Good idea though.
- Google was going to hold a competing social get together for eBay merchants during eBay's big conference to try to lure people to Google's Checkout. eBay threatened to pull all of their keyword advertising on Google and the event was cancelled. Ah the strongarm.
- Flickr in the news twice. They launched the service in seven languages first. Second they have had more complaints of photo censorship. Read more about that here.
- Looking for tips on public speaking? See this marvelous post by Guy Kawasaki for some hints.
- Jason Calacanis' Mahalo human-powered search engine launched Greenhouse. The service offers to pay people to find and submit content.
- YouTube has a new look in beta that offers new layouts and larger video windows. Google account integration coming soon too.
- Do you ever think you feel your phone vibrate and it's not ringing? It's called phantom ring syndrome and it's real.
- Bebo is integrating iTunes into accounts so you can go to a band's site and buy on the spot. Look for a LOT more of this to come soon.
- Another move toward Google Office. Gmail now offers integrated PowerPoint viewing.
- Can blogging work as a marketing tool? Heck yes it can. Just ask Lewis Green.
- Mack Collier covers Sony's launch of their Playstation blog.
- Branding Wire has launched. Check out their first branding challenge here.
- Google blogger Matt Cutts responds to Privacy International's claims that Google isn't doing enought to keep information private.
- If you disagreed with Seth Godin, would you say something? I hope you would. Check out Drew's blog for a great discussion about this. I think too many people use Seth and Guy as traffic building tools tracking back to them with irrelevant mentions and links. Discussion about an idea is good, but tracking back to every post is just dumb.
Top 10 Technorati Searches
- authority
- ron paul
- education
- myspace
- bicycling
- bebo
- youtube
- flickr
- angelina jolie
- dell
Top Five Web2.0 Movers of the Week (using Alexa data)
Top Ten Marketing Blogs from Viral Garden
- Seth's Blog
- Creating Passionate Users
- Gaping Void
- Logic + Emotion
- Duct Tape Marketing
- Daily Fix
- Converstations
- Drew's Marketing Minute
- The Viral Garden
- Jaffe Juice
Note that this list is now running off of Technorati rankings and not Alexa.
View the top full top 25
Top 5 "Viral" Videos This Week
- Sarkozy au G8
- Paul singing opera **Please watch this clip**
- Britain's got talent - Conny
- Paris in Jail: The music video
- Japanese TV Tetris game
Technorati Tags:
trends, buzz, buzzfriday, matt dickman, Techno//Marketer