links for 2007-05-30
What won't be around in five years?

Twitter for marketers

Twitter, the often maligned service that lets people tell their friends what they're doing at the moment, gets a bad wrap. Journalists join the service, send through a couple of updates, scan the timeline for a couple seconds and write a misinformed piece on why Twitter is sophomoric.

The truth is that we have to look to the core of Twitter to get the full scope of why this matters to marketers. There has been a lot written about this so far, so I thought I would show you in video.

Feed readers click here to get to the video.

Some key takeaways:

  • Communicate one-to-many or one-to-one
  • Publish to and receive updates from multiple mediums
  • Social eavesdropping/trendspotting
  • Twitter is real time

When it comes down to it, Twitter and services like it are personal. It's real-time. It's the pulse of the internet. I've found more breaking news on Twitter than in any other online source period. You get a first person account of what industry leaders like CC Chapman (twitter), David Armano (twitter), Joseph Jaffe (twitter), Robert Scoble (twitter), Drew McLellan (twitter), Steve Rubel (twitter), Greg Verdino (twitter), Mario Sundar (twitter) and Paul McEnany (twitter) are doing right now. You can't get that level of access anyplace else.

Could you shorten the queue in customer service? If your customers aren't always in front of a computer when they need your help it may allow you to be more responsive across other options. What could you do with real time customer feedback? Scary huh? This technology is powerful in the hands of the right marketers.

Want to know what I am doing right now? Click here to see my Twitter page.

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