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Mobile Marketing 101: Know thy audience

toddlerphone.jpgOne of the primary decisions anyone creating a mobile campaign must decide is whether or not their audience actually uses mobile devices. If they are a user, depending on their age, you must decide how they use them so your message and delivery is relevant. I just came across a press release from comScore which underscores this point.

comScore breaks mobile phone users into three groups:

  1. Adult Adopters (age 35+) - More functional view of phones. Didn't own a phone until they were an adult and just want the basics.
  2. Transitioners (25-34) - Started using in teens, early adulthood.
  3. Cellular Generation (18-24) - This is the most likely audience to engage with your brand through a mobile device. They've had access to phones throughout their lives.

This may seem logical, you may say to yourself, "self...I shouldn't push cutting edge mobile P-2-P technology to my 40-year-old target market", but many marketers are ignoring the obvious and campaigns fail to achieve results. Rushing a mobile campaign to market without being goal-driven and targeted is like giving a toddler a Motorola Q and expecting them to use it. They may be initially happy with all of the buttons, but that happiness will soon fade when all they really wanted was something shiny.

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